Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Love that is Pure (Through the Sower's Tears)

I've heard of love more pure than gold
Its voice more soft than angel's song
When hearts, in ages past, grew cold
So bright, this love breaks through the dawn

And like a seed thrown to the ground
With gentle hands the Father sows
Though rain rejects, the seed is found
The Sower's tears must make it grow

And we, though once communed with Him
And walked in light, were innocent
But now our one Saviour from sin
Must bloom in hope to remake sense

So once the Father pours His tears
And feeds the heart of whom He sent
the seed, once thought to disappear
Will take a stand, that which He's meant

Its roots grow firm and grab the soil
Embrace His call to regain love
To save us from the pain and toil
To show the Father's grace above

He takes this world and makes it new
He folds His roots, with arms of grace
Around this wretched, depraved blue
And covers us and takes our place

This love can't be contained in me
I must proclaim its saving power
And deeper than the deepest sea
I'm rained upon by thickest shower

You're love, Father, more pure than gold
You whisper in through angel's song
Empowered by Your grace of old
So sure, You're love through me breaks dawn

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