Saturday, November 15, 2008

The War is Won yet the Battle Presses On

Something burns like fire in my veins
A light that's so toxic it burns through the rain
Through the night I sleep not at all
Waiting for battle, I hear my God call

Even more, I wait for the dawn
Knowing now nothing can go wrong

Hear a bullet is shot, a brother goes down
Now before God he stands and he waits to hear, "Well done."
Hear a cry goes out, "Our King now has come."
Jesus will save those who have called on his name
Raise the red banner high!

Victory, eternally gained
Before this war ever was named
Weapons used are more than alive
Spirits awake and praise him on high!

Our hope lies in what is to come
The conquering lion will drink in the blood
His teeth now stained, his thirst is now quenched
Jesus, my God, has saved us from death

Can you see now the sword has gone out, and death is destroyed
Now before God we stand and live in glory alive
Can you hear now a cry goes out, "Our king now has come."
Jesus has saved those who have called on his name
We raise the red banner high!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update on "Redeeming Sex to Jesus"

I have actually only read my blog on sex once, which was when I was writing it. It was a paper I wrote for a class. There are a few things that I did not explain enough in it, including the parts on sexual immorality and sin. The truth is, for people who are saved by the grace given by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, screwing up and sinning is inevitable, but when we live in habitual and unrepentant sin, we need to repent. Christians can not live in habitual unrepentant sin. When we do screw up, our deepest desire is never to keep messing up, it is stop sinning.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Redeeming Sex to Jesus

It does not take much to get people’s attention when the “S” word comes up. The “S” word, if you can’t already tell, is sex. For some people, the word sex gets their attention immediately because it is something they really enjoy or can’t wait to enjoy. For other people, it gets their attention because they see the word sex and freak out. “This kid is twenty years old, he has never had sex, and it is completely inappropriate for him to talk about. He should not be thinking about sex,” some would say. To the person who sees the word sex in this light, he has a wrong view of sex. I’m not thinking about sex, at least not in a perverted way. I am not writing this paper to be controversial nor am I writing this paper to be offensive, I am simply writing this paper to rightly redeem sex to Jesus in the minds of those who might be perverting sex. I would like to make the point that this paper will by no means say all that I would like to say concerning this topic nor is it all that could be said of this topic. So understand that this is a brief summary of the redemption of sex. To start off, we are going to take a look at God and his creation.
Before we can correctly talk about sex, we must have a right understanding of who God is, which is best shown by how he acts and what he does. We are told in Genesis, or the book of beginnings, that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). From that point on, God begins creating different things, from the oceans and the fish, to the skies and the birds, to the lands and the animals. After all six days of creation, God says that he saw that it was good. After he was finished creating all things, he saw all that he had made, and it was all very good. We see here that God always creates things good. This is especially seen in the way God creates animals male and female, one for the other. Adam is sitting there looking at the animals seeing that each male has its female counterpart, and each female has its male counterpart. He sees all the creatures and recognizes that none of them fit him as his own counterpart. God saw that Adam was alone and he said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). So God created Eve out of the side of Adam. Both man and woman together is what God created in his image. They are complimentary of each other. They are equal to each other in that they together maintain the image of God, but they both have a different role in that image. God says that the man and the woman together become one flesh, that they were naked and unashamed. One without the other is not whole, unless they are gifted with celibacy.
From this point on in the Bible, we begin to see good sex and bad sex. God created one woman for Adam. He did not give Adam a house with thirty girls in it and the ability to choose which one he liked best; he gave Adam Eve. Adam and Eve enjoyed a pure sexual relationship just the way God intended them to. After the fall of man, there began to arise different forms of bad sex which included, but is not limited to sex outside of marriage, sex with multiple wives, sex with daughter-in-laws, sex with daughters, homosexuality, lust, the list goes on. We also see good sex: sex inside of marriage; the way God intended it. G.K. Chesterton says it like this: “The first two facts which a healthy boy or girl feels about sex are these: first that it is beautiful and then that it is dangerous.”
As stated before, Adam and Eve had a pure sexual relationship within the confines of their marriage, which is the way God made it. Noah, like so, was married to one woman. He fathered three sons through this one woman, whose names were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Genesis 9:1 says, “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.’” God blessed Noah in his marriage and he and his wife obviously had good sexual relations.
The marriage between Isaac and Rebekah is a beautiful picture of good sex within marriage as well. Rebekah was a very attractive woman, according to Genesis 26:7. With that being the case, while Isaac settled down in Gerar, he told people that Rebekah was his sister. He was afraid that he would be killed so that some other guy could take her as his wife. “When he had been there a long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out of a window and saw Isaac laughing with Rebekah” (Genesis 26:8). The words here used for their “laughter” infers some kind of intimate relationship. Isaac and Rebekah were doing something that would make it seem as though they were married. Isaac and Rebekah obviously enjoyed pure sexual intercourse within their marriage. With the example of Isaac and Rebekah, we see that some people enjoy sex the way God intended it to be enjoyed.
There are many examples of bad sex within the Bible. At one point in time, sexual sin had gotten so bad and so corrupt that God destroyed the entire earth and everything on it. In the first eight verses of Genesis chapter six, there are men of God who had sexual relations with people they were not supposed to have sexual relations with. It then says, “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). God saw the continual evil of man was prevailing, and in his own words, he says, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land…for I am sorry that I have made them” (Genesis 6:7). With the example of the society before the flood, we see that some people pervert sex into a false god, turning sex into wickedness. As Mark Driscoll often says, “Don’t let a good-thing become a god-thing, that’s a bad-thing.”
So what exactly does sex need to be redeemed from? I believe there are two main offenders of sex, both of whom are making sex into something that it is not. The first offender of what God calls good is the liberal. Let me first say that any sex outside of heterosexual marriage in sin. Some people, including some Christians, think that they can mess around sexually (ex. oral sex) as long as they do not have “real sex.” The Bible does not tell us where the line not to cross is concerning sexuality, it gives us a time for sexuality, which is in marriage. “That you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases” (The Song of Solomon 3:5). The time for any sexual activity is once one is married. The liberal person makes sex into a god and uses and abuses it. This would include, but is not limited to all of the things I have listed early: sex before marriage (fornication), sex with people who one is not married to (adultery), lust (pornography), homosexuality, etc. etc. Let it be known that everybody struggles with different sins; so struggling with any of these things without giving in is human and is not a sin. When any sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage is practiced and done habitually, than it is a sin. If there were a practicing homosexual in church sitting next to an unmarried couple who were having sex sitting next to a guy who looks at pornography like it were no big deal, not one would be worse than the other. All are sinning and all need to repent from their sins.
Sex needs to be redeemed from this near prevailing idea in society that sex should be enjoyed in anything and everything other than wedlock. This is how wicked our society is: by age fifteen, 13% of teens have had sex, but by the time they reach the age of 19, 7 out of 10 teens have had sexual intercourse; 10% or young women between the ages of 18-24 who had sex before the age of 20 said that their first sex was involuntary; each year almost 750,000 women between the ages of 15-19 become pregnant; there were 214,750 abortions among 15-19 year-olds in 2002; 6 in 10 minors who have abortions do so with at least one parent’s knowledge, the great majority of parents support their daughter’s decision to have an abortion. This is the way our society looks at sex and it’s effects. We are so jacked up that even parents are giving their approval of the murder of innocent babies. It has become so nonchalant a practice and we have become numb to the holiness of sex and the sanctity of life. Sex is a good thing that was, is, and always will be intended between one man and one woman inside marriage. God gives us confines to live within because he knows the consequences of sin and that they are not good. We know that within the marriage bed, nothing is defiled (Hebrews 13:4). So go and do whatever you want sexually within the confines of marriage, always thinking of your wife more than yourself.
The second offender of the gift of sex is the religious person. These kinds of people see the perversion of sex that other people are fostering and they swing to the opposite end of the pendulum. Because some people abuse sex, they decide sex is wrong altogether. For example, in earlier history the Catholic Church got so foolish as to say that sex was only for reproduction and that it was only okay to have on certain days of the week. Here is what Paul says concerning this: “Some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1 Timothy 4:1-3). Paul says that these ideas are teachings from demons and not from God. This perversion does not only happen with the topic of sex and food, but I have heard of it concerning other topics such as psychology, the internet, spiritual gifts, doctors and therapists, etc. When somebody perverts something, that doesn’t mean we throw that thing away; rather we redeem it to Jesus. Some people use things such as psychology, the internet, spiritual gifts, doctors and therapists, and sex and abuse them terribly, turning what was meant for good into evil. All the things God made good are like millions of separate forests. Sin came in and infected some of the trees in all of the forests like termites. The religious would rather destroy all of the forests than simply chop down the few trees that are infecting the forests. Just because we have one tree with termites in it does not mean we chop down all of the trees. Rather, we should destroy the infected trees and redeem the rest of the forests.
The Bible says sex is a good thing, created for both man and woman to enjoy with each other within a heterosexual marriage. This is not only a call for the redemption of sex, but of the redemption of all of the things that God created as good in this world. All the things God created were declared by himself as very good! We understand that sin has muddied up the picture originally painted, but we can still find the good that God intended in this world. It is not our place to declare things unclean or not good, especially when they are declared as good by God. Who are we to decide when something should be thrown out from our lives? Can we go against what God has said? Brothers and sisters, let us look to Jesus in every aspect of our lives, knowing that he has created all things good. It doesn’t matter where you go and what is around you, Jesus is good no matter where you are, and creation around us declares the goodness of God.

Works Cited
The Holy Bible. “English Standard Version.”
Crossway Bibles. A Publishing Ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. 2001
Chesterton, G.K. “ILN”. 1/9/09
Driscoll, Mark. “Putting Preachers in their Place.” The Resurgence Conference: Text and Context.
Mars Hill Church, February 25-27 2008, Seattle, Washington.
Guttamacher Institute. “Facts on American Teens’ Sexual and Reproductive Health.” 09/2006

Monday, October 27, 2008

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

In February of this year(2008), the Spirit of God began a movement in my heart that was unparalleled to any work he had done on me previously. I began to have a deeper thirst to know God and to follow him wherever he should take me. He surrounded me by godly friends and a lot of encouragement like no other! I also became a leader for a high school church group and God continued to pour out his Spirit upon my life, constantly changing for the better. I had a Bible study to go to at least once a day. 
This all changed in August 2008 when I felt God calling me to go to an un-acredited Bible college. I had heard from quite a few people who had gone to this particular Bible college how spiritually dry and legalistic the place was. I was not excited, but God had given me visions of how he was wanting to revive the college, and I definitely wanted to be a part of that! I wanted to be a part of God's work. God had brought some awesome guys into my life who had the same kinds of vision for the Bible college, which excited me. So a couple of months went by and nothing much was happening. My friends and I went to a church in Carpenteria to attend their ministry conference. The Spirit spoke to us and told us to trust him and be faithful in the small things that he had put in front of us. Despite the lack of passion in the worship, both corporate worship and everyday life worship, we needed to keep pressing forward trusting in Jesus to do a good work. Jesus is good no matter where you go; just because the circumstances change does not mean the way we interact with Jesus changes. 
Every Sunday night is community worship at college, and we were excited because there is something about worshipping with a lot of people with guitars and drums (it's Biblical!). The Holy Spirit began to move and for about an hour, the Spirit was giving words of wisdom and encouragement to all 300-400 of us. People were yelling out whatever the Spirit was putting on their hearts, and everybody was encouraged. One thing the Spirit was putting on my heart was blessing the Lord despite the circumstances around us: whether in good times or bad times. We were all stoked because we weren't expecting the movement of the Spirit to happen the day we got back!
After community worship, a lot of us go to get food and hang out for a little bit. Most of my friends were already eating so I was rushing to get to In-N-Out. I pulled out of the Bible college and began driving. I did not realize that I was going 62mph in a 45mph zone. I also did not realize that there was a cop right behind me. I made a right turn and he flashed his lights behind me. Keeping it short, I got a ticket for speeding and I guess my license was expired. Lamo. I was stressed and freaking out because I literally physically can not pay for a ticket right now, nor will I be able to afford my insurance when it goes up. As I was driving to In-N-Out, I was talking with Jesus and he was telling me that even though I was stupid and messed up, he was going to take care of it. The words that the Spirit was giving me were for me! Despite my circumstances, still will I bless the name of the Lord!
As I was laying in bed, I began reading Matthew 14:25-27, which says, "And in the fourth watch of the night he [Jesus] came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, 'It is a ghost!' and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.'" This ticket looks like a ghost and I honestly do not know what I am going to do, but Jesus was telling me "This is me, not a ghost." He is going to use this self-inflicted burden to sanctify me and make me more like him. I need not worry, because Jesus holds the universe and has his eyes on those who love him. 
In conclusion, the Lord taught me a huge lesson: blessed be the Name of the Lord in ALL circumstances! I got a speeding ticket! And blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Friday, September 19, 2008

religious idiots and legalistic hypocrites

Before the regeneration of my heart by the Spirit of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I was a religious idiot and a legalistic hypocrite. Besides pride, the biggest struggles in my heart, though it might seem alright on the outside, deal with being judgmental and legalistic. It's a work in progress, but my heart has been open for the conviction of these issues in my heart. Luckily, God's grace has been helping me to see things more clearly concerning how much I need His grace! I should probably explain what I mean by all of this. Many Christians will profess to understand that they are saved by grace and not by works, but at the same time they are judging people for not living up to what they think the Bible says and they think that they need to live a perfect life. The first thing we must understand is that the Bible is the highest authority among Christians. If one says they are being led by the Spirit, we test it by the Scriptures. The Bible is absolute authority. Scripture contains timeless truths, but the methods of applying them are timely. In other words, we need to apply the absolute truth held within the Bible to the times we live in. What many people try to do is interpret the Bible to say what they want it to say, which causes legalism to arise. They begin to add rules and act like every Christian needs to live up to their rules. For example, the Bible does not say we cannot drink alcohol. We must obey the laws of the land and obey the drinking age, and getting drunk is a sin. Jesus was not a republican and he was not a democrat. Jesus never said that we cannot smoke tobacco products and He never said that, when married, we can only have sex for reproduction or on certain days of the week. These are rules that sinful men have placed on the consciences of many people. The beauty of the new covenant we have through Christ is the freedom we have through his perfect life and his sacrificial death. On the other end, Paul talks about women not braiding their hair and wearing gold or pearls or costly attire etc. In our culture, we obviously do not abide by these rules. There is a truth in these commands, but they must be applied to where we are today. Getting drunk is getting drunk no matter what era you live in. The point Paul is making concerning women, specifically women in the ministry, is that they need to be modest in their dress. So we take the truths in the Bible and apply them to us today. The point of this all is that I have been saved from the prideful and depressing life of religion and legalism. God wants no person to think more highly of himself than he ought to. We all are idiots. I suck, you suck, but Jesus is good! And He has saved us from the life of perfection by living it Himself! So put down your stupid ideas of what a Christian should look like and look to Jesus! Live by the absolute authority in the Bible and live by your conscience! Stop trying to force your conscience on other people! God has freed them where you are obviously not freed yet, so let them alone. I will live in the freedom of Jesus Christ and I will live my life for Him and Him alone. In finishing, Thrice is one of the best bands to ever have existed (I think). They have a song called the weight of glory and the lyrics are amazing, so I want to post them here:

A ring of Pharisees and one of them was me
We love the letter but not the Spirit
An infidelity, a woman on her knees
She begged for mercy, we couldn't hear it

The teacher looked from us, his finger in the dust
We felt the chill and it shook us to our bones
The he raised his head and this is what he said,
"The one who has not sin should throw a stone"

I waked away in silence
and threw myself upon the ground
These words they burned inside me
Take up your cross before your crown

Go and judge not, lest ye be judged with the girl and come down

Take up your cross before your crown

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


How could I ever turn back into my old ways? I dare not go back to death. You have called me out of death and you have called me into life. How could I ever go back? How can anyone who has tasted our precious Lord's goodness and grace ever fall back into their old ways? I've tasted your goodness, and I have seen your power throughout the universe and most amazingly in my own changed life. You've given me a new heart that wants to follow you, which without, I would still be caught dead in my sins. You are beautiful! I have seen! I bow down to you, my God, knowing your character, knowing your loving kindness. Oh Lord! I will never fall back! Tis' like a salesman who learns a new technique which is flawless and perfect: will he go back and use his old sales tools even though his new ones work with much more conviction? Most assuredly he will not! Will a mountain climber climb back down the cliff even though he sees the very tip of the mountain? I should hope not! Like so,nor shall I ever go back to my old ways. Oh Lord! I will never turn back! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

whose to blame?

There is so much sickness and so much evil that makes its home in this world. Children are dying all over the world due to starvation, cancer, aids, tumors, etc. etc. One young child whom I had heard about has a very rare hereditary brain tumor disease and is about to die. His sister has the same disease, though hers is dormant for the time being. We are talking here about kids who haven't had the chance to make serious choices, kids who haven't had the chance to willingly surrender their lives to Jesus, kids who will never have the pleasure of many things God has declared as good in this world. Why does God make these innocent children endure such hardship? He doesn't. You might be mad at Jesus, you might think He is some cruel and unjust Being, but you are simply looking at things through the eyes of Satan. Just as Satan deceived Eve into eating the fruit of The Tree of Knowledge, so are you being deceived by this same devil. Sin entered into this world by the choices of our fathers, and this sin that has forever corrupted human beings and all of creation with it is being practiced by every human every day. So why are innocent children being tormented? Because of sin. And how would we know sin if it weren't for the Law? We know our sin when our lives are placed alongside the Law. "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." Though we die by the Law, we are resurrected by the blood of Jesus. He lived the life WE ALL cannot live. He died the death WE ALL should have died. And now, He is living in a perfect body, as ALL those who call upon His name and truly believe in Him will someday live as well. Terrible things happen to good and bad people. Good things happen to good and bad people. But someday, the goodness of the God-man, Jesus Christ, will resurrect us into perfection. So away with your foolish thinking! That God is some child with a magnifying glass killing ants to appease Himself! He is not to be so viewed. Sin is OUR self inflicted curse, Jesus is OUR undeserved salvation.  

Saturday, May 24, 2008

the movement

the movement begins with the rebirth of my mind, the redirecting of my desires. glory is to god almighty and jesus christ alone, who, through his holy spirit, enables me to live a holy life.